Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Purpose of My Blog, "Caroline in the City"

 This blog is not worth blogging. I started and ended in the same day so when my roommate Mollie told me she started a blog yesterday I was reMotivated. Probably more so because I saw that her blog was far more outstanding and I was envious. 

Blog #2 : Things I have experienced in NYC.

- Walking down the street and almost having a death by christmas tree because it was thrown out the 3rd story window only to land right in front of me. lights still attached. Also the first time i realized how lazy New Yorkers were bc everything one needs is likely across the street. 

       -  Having very long and deep conversations on the subway with the oddest creatures on this furry planet. A man who wanted me to join his Star Wars club in Midtown. I still have his Star Wars business card. 
Vagabonder named Chris who insisted on shaking my hand after we discussed his traveling folk band and how Hank Williams would be proud. A hand which no doubt was used as a toothbrush, fork, toilet paper and comb. 

- I have become increasingly paranoid as the days tick on in the concrete jungle festering with criminals (i.e. below)

       - After buying peanut butter and rice cakes I bent down to look at the dried pineapple prices only to stand up and see the white bag in which the items I had just purchased were in, was missing.
 My puerto rican co-customer ladies and I, ran outside trying to chase down the guy with the white bag. Yes, my rice cakes inside. Gone.... my angry puerto rican ladies were giving me their condolences as I returned to the cashier spitting out some words of sass for letting someone steal my breakfast/lunch/dinner! He informed me that my bag of items was right in front of me. 

I believe I will cheat off Mollie's idea and use my blog as a way to let people or more specifically my mom know what I am experiencing in the city as I try to reach my goal of stardom in a field not yet decided.  "Caroline in the City" 

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